Day 52 in the Big Bad Ischl House….

(Wednesday, 6 May 2020)

Isn’t it funny how one minute winter is turning to spring and little shoots are showing everywhere, you take a little time to enjoy them, poke around at a few little weeds, feeling smug that you have your garden completely under control and then the next minute, your shoots are sprouting fantastic colours everywhere….. and so are the weeds. 🤨

I start off with everything so under control, there are no weeds anywhere, all the plans you have for everything are firmly on target. You go off to do something else, tackle some other task or project and then suddenly, you get up one morning, look around and realise that overnight it’s all getting out of control again and the feeling of smugness rapidly evaporates to be replaced with a feeling of mild panic. It happens every year. 🙄

Of course, this year, I was hoping it wouldn’t happen seeing as we have so much extra time available to us, but nope. It’s happened again. I’m pretty sure this phenomenon also applies equally to housework, paperwork, doing accounts, washing up, the length of your hair, pretty much everything. There must be a word for it… one that is printable at least. 😉

Tonight we are due another cold snap… after all, Ice Saints isn’t over yet so not really that surprising. I’m still firmly holding off with my planting schedule until I can be sure that it will be a little safer. The greenhouses are now bursting at the seams and the plants are gasping to get out into a little more space, but I need them to hold on for just a little longer.

The few little ones that I have planted out now need a little extra TLC to get through, so they now have little winter jackets on and I have a pleasing crop of bubble wrap wigwams to look out at. 😆

We’ve been saving, rinsing out, drying and crushing all our egg shells in the hopes that this will make it a little harder for the slugs to traverse, but I see they’ve already had a couple of 5* meals of courgette leaves and climbing beans at my expense. 😤 Might need to upgrade their options with a couple of beer traps. Whilst not terribly animal friendly, I do think of all the choices, it’s probably quite a nice way to depart this world. 😜

Mark has started on the headache that is now the back of the wood store and has dug out the area that needs to be worked on. Poor Mark, despite all his runs to the tip and efforts to tidy up that part of the garden and make it look nice, it all looks a bit of a mess again now. But hey, you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet… just make sure you save the egg shells… I’ll be needing those! 😂

Stay safe everyone xx

A little bit of brotherly love 💕
About to start digging… again… ☹️
Big pile of dirt 😆
I think Mark might have swapped his recently acquired ladder fetish for a spade fetish.. he’s fickle like that 😂
A new trench, exposing what’s left of the footings.. which is not a lot really. 🙄
I couldn’t do any digging.. I was busy having a conversation with Jack… 💕
…. and cuddles with Aten 💕
A rare photo of the 3 of us, all facing in a reasonable direction, with not a single bum facing the camera… not even mine… 👍 😁
Aten on ‘his’ lounger 😁
The boys
Strawberries are looking good and in flower, will have to remember to put the netting on them this year. 😉
A lovely crop of bubble wrap wigwams 👍 😂
Tired boys, love ‘em (sleeping like mirror images again) 😍

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