Day 48 in the Big Bad Ischl House….

(Saturday, 2 May 2020)

Do you ever get ‘those’ dreams? You know, the ones that can be nightmares or maybe just disturbing/upsetting ones that are not pleasant but not full on scary. The ones that you wake from, shake your head to clear it and go back to sleep, only to find they start again? So the only way to clear them is to wake yourself up fully until they’re gone? Yeah, those. 😖

Mark was already awake and reading when I finally gave in and realised they weren’t going to stop and since it was around 3am, we had one of those cuppas on the balcony. That fixed it. 😁

Today we carried on with more of our respective tasks. Since you lovely lot thought it would be a good idea and there seems to be some interest in my continuing to write in some capacity or another, I’ve been busy transferring all of my ramblings over onto a blog so they’ll all be in one place.

I’ve been giving some thought to how I could continue with it. All the time we are closed and, of course, as some of you are still on lockdown, I am happy to try and continue with my daily updates, but once we are allowed to reopen, then I doubt I will be able to do daily… maybe a couple of times a week? I’m also guessing that when this unique situation finally comes to an end (fingers crossed, anyway!), that with you all returning to work/activities etc, you wouldn’t have so much time to read it either. 😂

I thought maybe I could continue with random posts about life here, maybe some past anecdotes, some of our trips out, that kind of thing… what do you think? What would you be interested in hearing/reading about? How often would you want to read it? I would love to know what you all think. 🙏

Mark has been continuing with his woodshed project. Oh my life, that was another one of those jobs that we knew would be a biggie, but had absolutely no idea just how much stuff was in there….. or even how big it was when he took stuff out! 😮

He has been busy making storage areas and chopping up small bits of wood for the fire and we now think we might have enough kindling to keep us going for the next 10 years! 😂

We already had a substantial pile of random stuff that Mark had found from project compost bin, clearing out the boiler room and the workshop etc, that’s piled up and ready for transport to the tip, but the pile is considerably bigger now. 😳

Our local tip reopened a week or so back, but on a limited service. You must wait outside for your slot, you get a time for your visit and it’s strictly 10 mins in there. No staff will help you, so you must place everything in the correct skips by yourself. Not a problem, although a tad tight to squeeze all of our crap into 10 minutes. We might need a few trips…. 😆

Plus the guys at the tip can be quite anal and… shall we say… vocal about putting the right stuff in the right place. Early visits were quite stressful, but Mark’s got quite good at it over the years and now manages to have cheery exchanges and smiles when he visits.

Anyway, we hadn’t yet been brave enough to try it and have just been accumulating the stuff on the pile and putting it firmly under the heading of ‘get a round tuit’ at some point. Which is daft really, I’ve always been one of those people who puts off trips to the tip, it always seems like a big deal when you’re planning it. But once you set your mind to it, load the car up, dump it all in the respective bins and return with empty car and view the empty space where all the crap used to be, it’s very, very satisfying and you wonder why you didn’t do it ages ago. 🙄 I guess that’s an analogy for many things in life eh? 🤔

Again today, the rain didn’t really come, just a few light showers on and off through the day but it well and truly came in the evening! Preceded by a sudden and very strong wind the first rain was literally horizontal and required a sudden rushing outside to close up greenhouses, grab cushions in and that kind of thing. Since both this activity and the wind lasted all of 10 minutes, mostly I just got wet for no really good reason. 😂

Happily, it was a good enough excuse to light the fire and as the temperatures dropped and the rain continued heavily, we stayed warm and cosy whilst we listened to the comforting sounds of what should be the pool filling up… hopefully, anyway! 😉

Stay safe everyone xx

It all looks a bit daunting at this point, but has the possibility of finding treasures… maybe… 😬
Dog walk pics from yesterday that I forgot to post 🙄
Happy dawgs 😍
Random treasures found in the wood shed 👍
More random treasures.. 😆
The boys loving the occasional bursts of sunshine ☀️
Looks like some of my early purchased tomato plants like their cobbled together greenhouse… they are flowering early and two days into their increased height home, are growing out of the top already!! 😱
As yet, unopened ‘Big Box’… 😉
Note the amount of chopped up wood on the right vs how much still to go… 😮
Hannibal Lechter does wood chopping… 😆
Now I appear to have a mad axe murderer in the wood shed…. not sure which is more reassuring… 🤨 😂
Looking much better now after the restorative powers of beer have begun to work 😉 😁
Incoming weather… someone has stolen Weather Mountain… 😱
Ahh… that’s nice… you can’t beat an open fire for the comfort factor 🔥 😁

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