Day 57, 58 & 59 in the Big Bad Ischl House….
(Monday, 11 May, Tuesday 12 May and Wednesday, 13 May 2020)
I’ve been a bit lax with my updates again I’m afraid. There have been at least 2 days that I’ve not taken a single photo and if I’m honest, haven’t come up for air from sitting in front of the PC. Yesterday evening, I was so square-eyed, I couldn’t even see straight, never mind relax. It seems that whilst I’d thought I’d been terribly organised and efficient, it turns out I’ve lost all track of the date… which is quite impressive given that I write the thing on my blog every day! 🙄 I got a rather surprisingly chirpy email from our long suffering accountant, basically asking if I was planning on doing the VAT return any time soon…. oops 😱
I’m not sure if I’d completely lost track of the dates, or just not attached the relevant importance to them or sub consciously shoved it to the back of my mind… because let’s face it, it’s not going to be a particularly cheerful job to be carrying out right now. So there was nothing for it but to ditch any thoughts of procrastination and pull my bullish, full on, head down, zero distraction super power out of the bag. 🤨
Mark is, as always, exceptionally patient with me at these times… which basically means that for the most part he keeps well out of my way and finds stuff to do in as remote a corner of the house as possible. 😂 In this case, our upstairs inner hallway. It’s another of those jobs that has been bugging us for ages and hadn’t yet found the time to do.
We had some lovely visitors on Monday in the form of Pete and Deb, who had come over to say hello and collect some of the excess kindling wood from the woodshed clean up. It was really lovely to see them and we had a nice couple of hours chatting and catching up, having not seen them for months. In the process of this, the subject of the wind and the loose cowling on the chimney came up, in a matter of minutes a ladder was sourced and Pete’s climbing skills were put to good use. What a star he is! Thank you Pete! 😁
The Ice Saints have again cast their magic spell and the weather turned in one day from 28 degrees in the afternoon to something minus and snow on the peaks the following morning. Apart from changing outfits pretty quickly as a quite impressive storm arrived to herald the end of the sunshine and speedy erection of bubble wrap wigwams, we went from sitting outside in the warm evenings to scuttling back inside to the pleasing warmth of a lit fire.
I always think that one of the most comforting feelings in the world is being indoors with a warm fire whilst a storm rumbles outside. The sounds of the rain on the terrace roof, the wind blowing and the crashing of the thunder offset by the crackling of the fire and the gentle snoring of boxers taking up all the available space on the sofa… 😂
Stay safe everyone xx

One thought on “Day 57, 58 & 59 in the Big Bad Ischl House….”
Hmm, not sure which is more worrying, dog grooming clippers on your hubby or hearing the comment “hang on, let me out my glasses on” from my hubby halfway through using clippers on my undercut- what he didn’t have them on for the first half!!!!!
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