Day 63 in the Big Bad Ischl House….

(Sunday, 17 May 2020)

I woke up this morning feeling very bright and breezy and quite motivated… you might even say excited. Maybe this wouldn’t necessarily excite many of you to the same (or any) degree, but I had a couple of chores to get out of the way and then I planned to actually, finally, do some creative sewing today.

No, not the kitchen curtains.. I still need to get around to that! 😂 I was going to make a Roman Blind for the newly painted bathroom. I had it all planned in my head, I was going to make it out of stuff I had here… you know the kind of thing.. the ‘come in handy’ stuff. I had a baton already made up with Velcro on it, which came from the old house and with just a quick cut down and repositioning of the eyes for the pull strings, it would be ready to go.

Some time ago, I’d bought some super cheap bedding packs from IKEA, which were sadly too thin to put into service but they would be perfect for the blind, so that was also a big fat tick on the fabric front. Having raided my collection of random ribbons (that get saved from every present/presentation pack etc), I also had some appropriately coloured decorative features. It was all coming together perfectly and I was on a mission. I’d even remembered to take a couple of photographs as I was accumulating all the bits together. I even had vague but grandiose ideas of putting together a photo story of my curtain construction.

I measured the baton, carefully calculated the size of the window plus a bit, re-measured, made a couple of marks on the baton, took it out to the garage with a jaunty little swing in my step to find a saw (no, we haven’t unpacked the big box yet either 😂), and made the cut…. to the wrong mark. 😢

Oh, how quickly the mighty fall. 🙄 😂

Now, none of this is the end of the world, it’s just a bit of wood with a bit of Velcro on it and I have more, of both things. We’re certainly not short on potential wood, that’s for sure! 😂 But I sunk, my perky little mood evaporated and I could have just sat and cried. I was ridiculously and inexplicably upset by a stupid mistake.

Mark found me still sitting in my little self induced blue mood sometime later and we sat and talked about it. We came to the conclusion that there’s something about all this C****** stuff and the associated emotions that make the stupidest, tiniest little thing seem huge. He reminded me that just a couple of weeks ago, he had done exactly the same thing over a small mistake he made with cutting some wood. Again, it had been a silly small thing, but it had felt so much bigger at the time.

Is everyone else experiencing stuff like this? It seems that normally, some good healthy swear words pretty much cure everything and you fling a few around the place, roll your sleeves up and just have another go. Maybe we really are all living in the Big Brother House… I seem to remember silly little things took on epic proportions in there too! 😂

To celebrate having solved the mystery (and the resulting improvement in my mood 😉) we sat out in the sunshine together for a while.. the usual… Mark with crochet and me with my book… no…. hang on… the other way round. 😜

I did finally go and cut myself another baton and stick some more velcro on it. This time it was the right length and d’ya know what? It was really quite easy, no biggie! 🙄

Of course, the blind didn’t get made, so I’ve simply added it to the list alongside the kitchen curtains… and opening the big box… and planting up the window boxes… and…. 🙈

Tomorrow will be better, tomorrow I’m walking with the girls and I hope I’ll have some fab pictures for you!

Stay safe everyone xx

Sourced from the ‘come in handy’ stocks, it’s all ready to go!
Our bathroom floor has some dated black tiles, which are not so bad but the white grout makes it all look ‘bitty’. I started colouring it black using a grout pen but it sadly ran out (it had already been used on another room). Progress has temporarily been suspended. 😔
The big head on table moment… 😢
First cut on the meadow behind our house.
Despite quite a bit of rain last week, we’ve only gained an inch… we might need to rethink this… it could well be an epic fail on this project! 😂
Alternatively, we could maybe just use the new trench behind the woodshed… add a couple of lilos and a pina colada and it would work… no? 😜
I think I may have saved one of the two rhododendrons 👍
Window box contents are desperate to get out and get shining!
Some progress… the mock up AND it’s the right size this time 😉 😂

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